Special For G-SEC Members
(Ekskul BIM Inggris Kosayu 1)
Please note, this audition is not for the high achievers only,
every member is welcomed :-)
1. The Audition:
Monday, 3 Sept 2012 at 13.10 - 13.45
Tuesday, 4 Sept 2012 at 13.30 - 14.00
Room : 8C (in case this room is being used, we'll see which room is available for us that day and the alternative will be announced later)
Apply for your place which fits to your schedule by:
*)sending an email (subject: audition)
*) contact me on Facebook (inboxPM or wall) ,
by using this format:
AUDITION / name / class/no / the day / time
e.g. AUDITION / mia / 7b / 43/ Monday / 13.20
2. Perform your own story (free-- any stories) in 1- 2 minutes (at the most, please NOT MORE),
so please make sure to perform THE BEST parts of the story that allow you to show your competence in performing a story telling, instead of forcing yourself to tell the complete story from the beginning to the ending.
3. Due to the short time preparation for this audition, you are allowed to bring small notes during your performance, yet make sure that you keep TELLING your story instead of (simply) reading it.
4. Please mind your:
a. pronunciation (please consult dictionaries)
b. articulation as well as loudness
c. eye contact, body and facial gestures
d. voice, tone, etc
e. grammatical awareness, diction
5. Those 5 items above (4a-4e) will be put into considerations to decide the winners for the coming REAL contest and our school representatives , but please note:
a. your competence is NOT the only requirement
b. (though during the audition you might not be the best performer)
your passion to learn and practice in about 10- day-rehearsal DOES matter,
so do not quit just because you find excellent competitors during the audition ;-)
if you are a great learner!
c. great commitment and sincerity in your personality are highly-recommended
So, remember, YOU DON'T HAVE to be the best performers during the AUDITION
as long as you are able to show the other qualities we mention above (point 5),
you might be able to pass this audition. Please be positive and do your best!
6. If, you pass the audition, we will continue the process with writing the script for the real contest, so please make sure that you have great interest, too, in English writing class. Do not worry, we will give you a hand during this script writing process, but your interest and passion should come first :-)
Thank You for your participation
Keep fervent in spirit
Good luck n GBU