Sunday, November 27, 2011


Hi, my dear students
as I promised you
here is "how you express admiration"
please, check it out
make sure you are able to comprehend the structure
feel free to ask if you get any problems
I'll be here, as always :-)

good luck for your UAS. GBU
Ok, click here for ADMIRATION

Friday, April 22, 2011

UN 2011- Simulasi Paket 3B

Silakan unduh paket soal dan kunci di sini.
Semoga latihan ini bermakna dan membantu belajar ANDA.
Selamat berjuang buat UN yang akan tiba..GBU.

UN 2011-Simulasi-Paket 2B

Silakan klik di sini, untuk contoh soal dan kunci jawaban.
Selamat belajar dan semoga Tuhan merestui segala jerih payah ANDA.

PS: Pembahasan/catatan tambahan silakan klik di sini.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

project-digital storytelling

Prepare yourselves for our examination.
Make your digital story telling, click here